Monday, 16 November 2015

swimming sense poem


I feel a cold breeze as I
stand in the wind and the
excitement as a plunge into the water,
and the freezing water dripping down my
legs as I hop out of the pool.

I taste the week taste of chlorine
and the air blowing in my mouth.

I see other contestants
standing, waiting
almost as nervous as I am.

I hear the splashing
sound of the water as my
hand slams down on the clear liquid
and the water goes through my fingers.

I smell the faint smell of the chocolatey
hot chocolate and cookies just
waiting for me to eat them.

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Optimist yachting knots


For optimist yachting we have to rig the yacht. While we are rigging the yacht we have to tie knots. The types of knots are the bowline and figure of eight. This is what they look like. The top one is figure of eight and the bottom is the bowline. 

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Calender art 

For our calender art this year we coloured in one or more mandalas. We also could shrink them to make them both a bit different. The we glued them onto a sheet then if we wanted to we could draw some zentangle around it this is what my one turned out like.

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Shape making

For maths we have been learning about shapes and we had to make shapes out of sticks and play doh. We had to stick the sticks together with the play doh and then we made 3D shapes if we wanted to. This is a 2D shape and it is called a square. 

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Snowflake poem

Grafică Vectorială Gratuită:

Twas raining and then hailing to show,
That it was winter,
Grafică Vectorială Gratuită:Grafică Vectorială Gratuită:The forecast lady said it was snowing,
I said I don’t believe her,
Then I saw the images on the television,
I can’t believe my eyes,

it really is snowing!  

Monday, 22 June 2015

My poem

We learnt about all the different types of poems and we got to pick one and write that type of poem about a subject. I chose to do an acrostic poem. I did it about New Zealand. This is my poem.

My poem


Energetic people

wonderful outdoors

Zebra's don't live here 

Exiting adventure

All blacks rugby team 

Life lives here 

Amazing places

Napier (art Deco point)Danniverk 

NYLD trip

NYLD trip

As a leader I got to go down to Palmerston North to see a concert that had lots of inspirational speakers such as, William Pike, Marcus Winter, Jamie Mcdell, Chris Jupp, Sariyah Paitia And Phoenix. William Pike talked to us about how you should never give up. William lost one of his legs when he was walking up Mt ruapahu and the volcano erupted and his leg got wedged under a pile of snow and it was so bad he had to get it cut off. Marcus winter was another speaker there and he taught us that you can make a really cool picture out of your life. Jamie Mcdell taught us that you don't have to take advise from people you don't know and you can just take advise from people you care about. She also sung two songs for us and they were called crash and life in sunshine. Chris Jupp told us that you can change the world whatever age you are. Chris used to run the forty hour famine for his school.

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

#Stitched Dot Art

Stitched Dot Art 

Room 13 made some really cool pieces of art and they are called stitched dot art. The first thing we did was colour a piece of cardboard and then wait for it to dry. Then once it is dry you do another colour on top of that. Then while it is wet get something sharp and draw some patterns. Then splat neon paint on top of all of this. Then wait for it to dry and once it is dry you have finished doing the background of your stitched dot art! But you still have to do the stitching. For the stitching you need to get a cut out circle with 16 lines around the outside evenly spaced apart. Then you trace around the circle onto the background ant draw the lines as well. Then get a needle and poke holes in where you put the lines on the outside of the circle. Then choose the pattern you want to do for your art. Once you have done that you need to choose the colours you want to use. Then you stitch the pattern into your background. When you finish doing that then you have FINISHED!!!!!!!! Now you have an amazing piece of art.  

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Biking day

With only two of us left in the box
And limited amount of space,
I'm only focusing on controlling my vehicle,
Nervous by the noise,
Almost putting my feet down,
I remember the rules and how much I want to win,
I slowly keep circling my opponent,
Then I look up,
Only to see that my opponent is struggling,
I try to keep balance,
I calm down quickly,
Then through a patch of surprise I swerved.

The vehicle
Moves from side to side,
Plays it coy
Until every face is open mouthed--
And then
                     And then
                                   And then,
Right before FALL,

I win.

Thursday, 30 April 2015

The House Was Unusual Enough

My Poem

The house was usual enough; it had
A river, a WRAF, a swan, a swing
Swinging in the breeze, and even a path
I never went down. My sister, my friend and I
Did what friends do - swam in the freezing cold
River, made huts and sandcastles, ran from the tagger
When we played tag, stomped like trolls holding our
Tablets under our arms when we woke up,
Tilted the kettle to make our milo

Doing nothing important.